Category Archives: Exhibits

Library Receives Grant from State Library of Ohio

Display of award winning Ohio books.

Come check out the new display of award winning books in the Thomas Library atrium!

Earlier this academic year Thomas Library received a grant from the State Library of Ohio to purchase award winning books from a number of categories. The grant, Celebrating Ohio Book Awards and Authors, provided funds to allow the library to add books to enhance our collection. Joan Pallant, Head of Circulation, created a display of the award winning books and Doug Lehman, Library Director administered the grant. The books are displayed in the area where the Library’s new books are located.

The titles added to the Thomas Library collection included winners and finalist for the Dayton Literary Peace Prize and for the Ohioana Book Award.
While the library has been collecting DLPP winners and finalists for several years this award allow us to purchase books from earlier years. The DLPP is the only international book award for books dealing with peace.

The Ohioana Library Association administers the Ohioana Book Award and is devoted to making sure that Ohio literature, both fiction and non-fiction, is available to all. One of the criteria for receiving the award is that the author must have been born in Ohio, or lived in Ohio for at least five years.

Stop by and look over these award winning books and check one out to take home to read.