Each year Wittenberg University honors outstanding students, faculty and staff at the annual Honors Convocation. This year the Honors Convocation was held on Friday, April 11, 2014, in Weaver Chapel. We are always pleased to find names of library student-employees who have received well-deserved recognition and it is my pleasure to recognize them now. I apologize if I missed your name and you were not included on the list. Please know it was not intentional.
Caitlin E. Green
Mortar Board
Anna M. Gutridge
Alpha Lambda Delta
Caitlin N. Lobl
Phi Alpha Theta
Rebecca L. Petrilli
Seniors Earning University Honors
James C. Schull
Presidential Scholar: Mark H. Erickson Scholarship
Tia N. Simpson
Pick and Pen
Kara K. Snyder
Kappa Delta Pi
Emma A. Arace
Alpha Lambda Delta
Grace E. Bartley
Alpha Lambda Delta
Jessica E. Byers
Alpha Kappa Delta
Alexandra G. Kukovich
Alpha Lambda Delta
Nick J. Molnar
Phi Eta Sigma
Beatrice J. Nichols
The Faculty Award for Outstanding Achievement in Biology
Seniors Earning University Honors
Ethan A. Raines
Phi Eta Sigma
Ya Haddy Sallah
Presidential Scholar: John B. Helwig Scholarship
Mortar Board
Omicron Delta Kappa
The Broadwell Chinn Award
The Lillian C. Franklin Diversity Award
Additionally, two Thomas Library student employees participated in “Liberal Arts in Action: A Celebration of Learning” on April 11, 2014.
Emily Rayens performed in Post 95 in a session entitled, “Picture Stories for Solo Flute,” during which she performed works by Debussy, Ferroud, Honneger, Hoover and Jacob.
Alexandra Kukovich participated in the poster session in the Geil Lounge, presenting “Buddhism in Belgium.”
Again, congratulations on your accomplishments and honors. On behalf of Thomas Library I want to tell you that we are proud of you and are happy to have you working for us in the Library. For the seniors, I wish you the best of luck as you pursue the next step in your life’s journey. For the non-seniors we look forward to your return next academic year and your continued success in the classroom.
Best wishes!
Doug Lehman
Director, Thomas Library