Monthly Archives: April 2015

Thomas Library Student Employees Recognized at 2015 Honors Convocation


Each year Wittenberg University honors outstanding students, faculty and staff at the annual Honors Convocation. This year the Honors Convocation was held on Friday, April 10, 2015, in Weaver Chapel. We are always pleased to find names of library student-employees who have received well-deserved recognition and it is my pleasure to recognize them now. I apologize if I missed your name and you were not included on the list. Please know it was not intentional.


Megan Gerrity
Pick and Pen

Emily Kahlig
Ivy Ring
Pick and Pen

Caitlin N. Lobl
Archaeology – The Nancy L. Benco Archaeological Research Fund
Mortar Board
Phi Alpha Theta

Alexa Murrieta
Alpha Lambda Delta

James C. Shull
Business Department – The Tau Pi Phi Award
Tau Pi Phi

Emily A. Rayens
Beta Beta Beta
Mortar Board

Tia N. Simpson
Pick and Pen

Zoey Wilson
Art Department – The Ralston C. Thompson Awards
Pick and Pen


Grace E. Bartley
Phi Alpha Theta
Pick and Pen
Sigma Delta Pi

Siham M. Shehebo
Pick and Pen
Tau Pi Phi

Deanna M. Volz
Alpha Lambda Delta

Ya Haddy Sallah
The Global Awareness Award
Phi Beta Kappa
Seniors Earning University Honors

Additionally, several Thomas Library student employees participated in “Liberal Arts in Action: A Celebration of Learning” on April 10, 2015.

Megan Gerrity participated in the poster session on the second floor of the Shouvlin Atrium, presenting “Sex-Based Trends in the Tendency to Sit Alone or in Groups.”

Logan Liming was a presenter on the panel session, “Criminal Activities” where she presented a paper on “Childhood Risk Factors for Adult Criminality: Social Bonds.”

Caitlin Lobl participated in the poster session in Geil Lounge, presenting “My Summer With Thomas Jefferson and the Joiner’s Shop.”

Elizabeth Price participated in the poster session on the first floor of the Shouvlin Atrium, presenting “Who Has More Personable Conversations: Males or Females?”

Emily Rayens performed in Post 95 in a session entitled, “Music of Doppler, CPE Bach, and Clark” (flute).

Emily Rayens was a presenter on the panel session, “Goddesses, Paupers, and Modern Voices: Women’s Experiences from Antiquity to the Present” where she presented a paper entitled: “Sh(r)edding Gender Roles: Advising Styles in the Writing Center.”

Siham Shehebo participated in the poster session on the second floor of the Shouvlin Atrium, presenting “The Story of the American International Association.”

James Shull participated in the poster session in the Geil Lounge, presenting “Issues In Sport Management: Should Sports Betting Be Legalized?”

Lucy Timko participated in the Tai Chi performance in front of the Benham-Pence Student Center.

Stephanie Weaver was a presenter on the panel session, “Improving Selves and Schools” where she presented a paper entitled: “Analysis of Exemplary Practices of the Pittsburgh Public Schools.”

Whitney Yarbrough was a presenter on the panel session, “Public Spaces: An Analysis of Museums and Schools” where she presented a paper entitled: “Museums as a Social Construct: A Study of the Epistemology of Museum Interpretation.”

Whitney Yarbrough participated in the poster session on the second floor of the Shouvlin Atrium, presenting “American Through the Lens.”

In addition, three Thomas Library faculty participated in “The Celebration of Learning.”

Suzanne Smailes participated in the Tai Chi Dance Class performance in front of the Benham-Pence Student Center.

Ken Irwin, Doug Lehman and Suzanne Smailes chaired panels.

Again, congratulations on your accomplishments and honors. On behalf of Thomas Library I want to tell you that we are proud of you and are happy to have you working for us in Thomas Library. For the seniors, I wish you the best of luck as you pursue the next step in your life’s journey. For the non-seniors we look forward to your return next academic year and your continued success in the classroom.

Best wishes!

Doug Lehman
Director, Thomas Library