Monthly Archives: April 2016

Student Library Workers Recognized at Honors Convocation and Present at the Celebration of Learning


Each year Wittenberg University honors outstanding students, faculty and staff at the annual Honors Convocation. This year the Honors Convocation was held on Friday, April 8, 2016, in Weaver Chapel. We are always pleased to find names of library student-employees who have received well-deserved recognition and it is my pleasure to recognize them now. I apologize if I missed your name and you were not included on the list. Please know it was not intentional.


Devon Atchison
Alpha Lambda Delta
Marcus Brisco
Phi Eta Sigma
Megan Gerrity
Phi Beta Kappa
Grace Huffman
Alpha Lambda Delta
Mariah Koenig
The David Hartman Award
Virginia Kotlinski
Phi Beta Kappa
Madison Krstich
Alpha Lambda Delta
Caitlin N. Lobl
History Department – The Martha and Robert Hartje Award (finalist)
Alexa Murrieta
Ivy Ring
Emily A. Rayens
Gamma Sigma Alpha
Sierra Sandy
Alpha Lambda Delta
Leo Vo
Chemistry Department – The Dayton Section of the American Chemical Society Patterson Award
Chemistry Department – The James T. Gregory Award
Presidential Scholar – Samuel Alfred Ort Scholarship
Phi Beta Kappa


Grace Bartley
Mortar Board
Omicron Delta Kappa

Angela Galbraith
Alpha Lambda Delta
Ethan Raines
Chi Alpha Sigma
Physics Department – The Weaver Prize
Presidential Scholar – Baird Tipson Scholarship

Siham Shehebo
The Broadwell Chinn Award
Omicron Delta Kappa

Deanna Volz
Pick and Pen

Technical Services

Lacey McGuire
Alpha Lambda Delta

Additionally, several Thomas Library student employees participated in “Liberal Arts in Action: A Celebration of Learning” on April 8, 2016.

Grace Bartley was a presenter on the panel session “Lessons Learned: The World Beyond Wittenberg” where she presented a paper titled “El cesped no esta mas verde: Study Abroad and Various Life Lessons.”

Caitlin Lobl participated in the poster session, presenting “Ireland, Archaeology, and Students.”

Beth Price participated in the poster session, presenting “The Effects of Experimenter Demeanor on Participant Memory Recall.”

Beth Price participated in the poster session, presenting “Does Inducing Anthropomorphism Alter Our Perceptions of Non-human Entities.”

Siham Shehebo co-presented a poster, “National Organization of Women – Fifty Years and Counting.”

In addition, Doug Lehman participated in “The Celebration of Learning,” chairing Panel 1-1, “Building Readers and Literary Awards.”

And while I am at it, two library staff were recognized for their work beyond the library by the Office of Student Involvement & Student Senate. Ken Irwin was recognized as Advisor of the Year for his work with the Outdoor Club and WUSS and Karen Balliet was nominated for an Unsung Hero Award.

Again, congratulations on your accomplishments and honors. On behalf of Thomas Library I want to tell you that we are proud of you and are happy to have you working for us in the Library. For the seniors, I wish you the best of luck as you pursue the next step in your life’s journey. For the non-seniors we look forward to your return next academic year and your continued success in the classroom.

Best wishes!

Doug Lehman
Director, Thomas Library