Several of our student workers recently presented at the Wittenberg Honors Undergraduate Research Symposium and the Connections Symposium. We congratulate each of them on their academic achievements.
Students Presenting at the Honors Undergraduate Symposium
Reference Department
Audrey Ishimwe Simbi presented her poster, “How You See Yourself, Social Media’s Impact on the College Student.”
Students Presenting at the Connections Symposium
Circulation Department
Emily Randall performed with the a cappella group, Just Eve, selections from their spring concert.
Zoe Hale presented her thesis, “Facing Trauma and Writing Alternative Endings in Margaret Cavendish’s Belle in Campo (1662) and The Blazing World (1666).”
Cami Duncan presented her paper, “Traditional Women’s Film Paradigms in Thelma and Louise.”
Michael Vrbanac presented his research, “Factors Influencing Capture Rates of Spotted Turtles in a Southwestern Ohio Fen.”
Kyngston Collins presented a poster, “Time Management Interventions for College Students” with fellow student, Angela Hong.
Brynn Cunningham presented a poster, “Reframing College Drinking Behaviors” with Daniel Patel and Kaulana Smith.
Reference Department
Abby Lanhart, Kassady Thompson, and Austin Petersen presented a poster, “Measuring Anxiety Across Mouse Handling Methods: Old vs. Refined” alongside their group members, Ethan Libby, Lexi Repp, Brooke Mullis, Izzy Thompson, and Noelle Underwood.
Audrey Ishimwe Simbi presented her poster, “Optimizing Length of Stay in Inpatient Hospital Units.”
Congratulation to all who presented. We can’t wait to see what you do next!