Access to Libraries Over Summer Break

For most students, summer represents a break from exams, homework…and books. As a student pursuing a Master’s of Business Administration, I certainly empathize with needing a break from rigorous study. But did you know you can borrow popular books, DVDs and graphic novels both from your public library and from OhioLINK over the summer?

I encourage you to find your local public library and talk to a staff member to learn about everything they have to offer. In addition to summer reading programs (that usually offer prizes – even for adults!), public libraries often host events including crafts, musical guests, speakers or computer skills classes. Many public libraries also have a wide selection of audiobooks and ebooks that you can load onto your portable devices for summer vacations.

You also have access to OhioLINK’s pickup anywhere option – as long as you are a current Wittenberg employee or student (i.e. registered for fall classes at Witt or are taking Witt summer classes). This service allows you to request books or DVDs from OhioLINK and have them delivered to whichever OhioLINK member library is closest to you! For example if you live in Westerville, Ohio, you can request an item from OhioLINK using your Witt ID and select Otterbein University as your pickup location. Pickup anywhere is available to any current faculty, staff or student all year round.

For help finding a public library near you or to learn more about pickup anywhere, contact a Wittenberg reference librarian (phone: 937-327-7511 or email: refdesk (at) wittenberg (dot) edu).

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